I have been having a little bit of a break...as you may have noticed...

I always seem to be very busy in the Spring, although it doesn't seem that I have done anything differently than usual.
Very excitingly, me and Dan are buying our first house, and i'm very wrapped up in preparing, packing, signing a million forms, and mentally decorating every room. Of course, i can not afford to actually decorate any of it, but I can dream..
I am kind of liking the mis-match of the fabrics from Osbourne & Little although i need to find a much much cheaper alternative! 

I have been visiting every local auction and charity shop searching out little bargains.
My most recent being a Lloyd Loom blanket box and chair. I was extremely excited when I researched the chair and found out it was called a 'Louise' chair! It was fate.
I have also bought some beautiful kitchen items including a pretty china cake stand and tea set. Even if I am not posh...at least I can pretend.
I will post the photos soon (taken with my new camera from an auction), as Dan doesn't appreciate the prettiness as much as you guys will!
So whilst mentally decorating, I think the new Amy Butler Software will come in very handy...the items look gorgeous. Whether I can actually create them is another thing.
I know I really should be spending the money on solicitors etc, but this is much more fun.