Saturday, 11 October 2008

It's all about me

A few weeks ago, i stumbled upon backtack. I have seen quite a few swaps going on, but never sure whether to enter.

'Evil' subconcious with his little red horns and sharp poky fork is sitting on my left shoulder saying "no no no, you are just not good enough, people won't want to receive anything from yooou!"

But I was strong. Me and 'good' subconcious with her flowing blond hair and glittery alexander mcqueen handbag, sitting on my right shoulder said "yes, give it a go. Make some bloggy friends, and see what you can do"

And so, here I am, sitting reading my email to tell me i have a back tack partner, and there is no backing out now...eeek!

I am just very excited now, but nervous too. 6 weeks to make three things! Big eeek! I am so fluttery and away with the fairies, i just don't know how i will achieve it!

And i have visited my partners site (hello Rebecca!), and have learnt so much about her already (and how cute little Gioia is)! Her blog is so lovely, and informative and creative.

Hopefully, after a few months, i hope i can get my writing skills up to par and divulge a bit of my sometimes slightly mundane (9-5) but also slightly bizarre world.

Which brings me on to me.

I haven't has this blog long, and have been so proccupied with adding little things that i have made, that i have barely made time to tell everyone about me!

Well here short...
I'm 27 going on 12, I live in Leeds, UK where it is cold, & where i rarely see the sun...booo. I moved oooop here 6 years ago when i started university. I met my beautiful boyfriend, and now there is no going back down south without him. (He is Yorkshire through and through, and he just couldn't handle mingling with the soft south...hmmmm)

I work in fashion, although not designing, so when I come home, i take my creative frustration out on fabric or food. I love to cook and bake(although not too well!) and love sewing and embroidering small bright 'things'.

Through work I am learning Mandarin, which i love and bug Dan constantly by attempting to speak to him in this strange language (He ignores me, and carries on watching tv)!

Every Tuesday, I have a craft night with my friend Gemma, which involves her knitting, and me looking at my fabric and trying to think of what to make, whilst we talk about food (we like it), men (they are stupid), babies (one day) and our plan to take over the world with our crafting abilities (hmm).
So that is a little about me.
Here is my vow.
I promise to at least once a month tell everyone what exciting and riveting things have happened to me recently. I promise.

Thats enough from me, phew, enough talking already. Toodlepip x


wonderwoman said...

great post! i have only just got into swaps and its great fun! i never think anything i make is good enough, but i think nearly everyone who is crafty knows how much work and love we put into our things and appreciate them!
nice to get to know more about you!!


Rebecca said...

Swaps are fun! Don't feel pressured. I am very glad you are my partner. So interesting that you are taking Madarin. Perhaps you can come to Taiwan one day and chat with my daughter. :)

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best at your back tack swap. I hope that when is done you share your experience with the rest of us.



Amazing lil post... love it.

I started this blogging malarky back in the summer and have found it hard going at times to keep up. But Im sure we will both get there.



Stitching At Stone Cottage said...

oh go on you have to talk to us more than once a month...we need to see what you are making at your thursday craft nights...just been through the back tack blog roll and saw your site.

lottie said...

I am sooo rubbish!!!I have only just stumbled across the comment you left me on my blogspot 'love lottie'!!! As you can see I am STILL getting the hang of it! Glad you have taken the plunge & joined a swap but BEWARE-they are addictive! Please feel free to get back in touch & I promise this time I will keep a look out for you!
Love Lottie xx