Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Just a snippet...

Now that I have taken these photos and have loaded them on to the computer, I am dying to showcase some of my swap gifts in progress.
I am in need of a bit of feedback. I am having a bit of a mental block (or lost my crafting mojo as a fellow blogger recently wrote!)

Dan and my dad are not the best of reviewers with "Er what's it for?" and "what do you do with it?"
Pity the poor dears that don't understand art. (That's what i keep telling myself anyway)

So anyway, alas, no, i can not show anyone the start of my creations as I want them to be a surprise for Rebecca, so i'm afraid I can only preview some little thumbnails.


Anonymous said...

For what I can see, it makes me think of Christmas and chocolate. I'm very curious, the colors are great and it seem very delicate. I can't wait to see it.

wonderwoman said...

looks like beautiful work to me!!!


Poppy said...

It all looks beautiful to me! I love the colours, and what do men know. New to your blog love it! Lou x


Crikey that beading must have taken a while! Fab sneaky peak.

Sam :)

Rebecca said...

Love it! so excited.